Keeping students interested and motivated is often a challenge. Use Comapping as a way to engage your students in collaborative projects inside and out of class.
Issue of time.
Students and instructors have significant time commitments to school, families, jobs and communities
Many students attend college part time and have limited time to spend on campus
Part time students are less likely to work with other students on projects during and outside of class
Comapping provides a tool to engage busy students in group work without adding the burden that requires them to always be on campus
Engage students through collaboration
Enhances collaborative activity in and out of class
Helps you better manage group work
Builds community based project involvement
Introduces your students to learning communities
Provides a virtual student lounge
Help students think!
Analyzing, categorizing, summarizing and organizing information has a positive effect on learning - Students aren't just copying information
Visualization can have a powerful effect on learning and retention
Visual connections show how everything ties together
Students can clearly see the relationship between topics and supporting details
It's all in one place!
All important information is stored in one place
Attachments, links to web pages and other web resources are easily added - expanding the world of learning
Information is easily shared with others - enhancing the powerful impact of collaboration
Provides access to notes from any computer, anywhere, at any time