Comapping is built on Adobe Flash Player which is reaching its end of life on December 31st, 2020. We are working on potential migration options, however, rest assumed you can continue using the Desktop Version even after December 31st, 2020.


We are absolutely committed to making the decision to use Comapping in your course as simple as possible. To provide you and your students first hand experience with the benefits, we have developed the Comapping Pilot Program.

Pilot Overview

  • Students & instructors get free access to the program
  • Instructors get personal guidance and support by Comapping as needed
  • Intructors must require the students to use Comapping and help push usage throughout the course through e-mail and syllabus directions
  • As part of the free benefit, instructors and students will need to provide feedback and share maps showing use in the classroom
  • Instructors receive a $100 gift card for administering the pilot program

Get More Info

If interested, please contact the Comapping Team at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it