Project Files
One set of notes. One set of files. For Everyone. Comapping provides a central location for files associated with your projects. Everyone has access to them and knows where they are.
Keep it all together.
- Access important information from any computer with an internet connection
- 1 gigabyte online storage capacity
- Put all of your notes in one place
- Quickly access and share important information with your team, clients or suppliers (even non-Comapping users)
- Attach any file kind of file (spreadsheets, docs, presentations, videos to your project maps)
- Never worry about archiving or losing notes again.
Easy to follow. Easy to understand.
- Develop documentation as you create in Comapping
- Visual connections show how everything ties together
- No long paragraphs to read
- Notes are structured to show the main idea followed by supporting detail
It's in the map.
- Eliminate questions of "where" the information is located
- Central place for collaboration
- Embed attachments and weblinks
- Capture feedback and notes