Comapping is an intuitive, easy-to-use digital program that enhances your instructional efforts - It's a practical and meaningful way of integrating technology into the classroom.
Web application
Web delivered
Intuitive and easy-to-use
Requires a minimal learning curve
The future direction of software
Remove learning barriers
Breaks down the "brick and mortar" classrooom barriers for learning and instruction
Enhances learning over distances
Provides a real-time exchange of information and notes
You can give feedback directly to your students on their group and individual work
Relate to students
Uses a medium students enjoy - the Internet
Engages them actively in learning
Create class exercises and activities
Meet administrative requirements
Over the last few years you've probably faced new demands on the instuctional process from your school, department or students
School administrations and students are asking that technology be used to enhance the learning experience.
Integrating Comapping into your instruction is a practical and useful way of meeting these demands